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Saturday, January 6, 2024

Happier as you age

 HH Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche:

If one does not consider the future, you will become increasingly unhappy as you age, your body gets weaker and weaker, and the thought of leaving this world will bring immense sadness. 

Conversely, if one accomplishes vast virtues for future lives, you will become increasingly happy and joyful as you age, just like the great Dharma teachers.  It is stated in the Vinaya Sutra: "When life ends, there is joy like being cured of an illness." The closer they get to the end of their lives, the more they resemble healthy individuals, experiencing unimaginable peace and happiness.

Look around and see that many people who do not engage in Dharma practices lose their smiles as they grow older, walking around with a gloomy face. On the other hand, all the pure practitioners, except for someone like me who has a heart condition, will become more and more cheerful, feel more and more satisfied and fulfilled, and feel very positive and optimistic about the future. This is the benefit of Dharma practice in the present life. 

You can observe this for yourself. Take, for example, Gyaltrul Rinpoche, the more he ages, the happier he becomes. By contrast, other normal people of the same age as Rinpoche who have engaged in non-virtue will experience increasing suffering as time passes. This is a most vivid and obvious contrast, am I right? Look at his face now, full of smiles; then look at other people who do not practice, all of them looking depressed, sad or worried.