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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Worldly dharmas and Liberation

 Jamyang Rinpoche

Many people who practice Dharma now do not learn the authentic teachings, instead, they diligently pursue things that are contrary to Dharma. What they should practice are the 84,000 teachings taught by Buddha. What they should not pursue are worldly practices that have been mixed into the Buddhadharma. 

Most Dharma practitioners mix worldly pursuits and liberation together. Many people cannot distinguish between the two. If this manner of practice continues, Buddhism will end up in chaos.

Worldly dharma and liberation are opposite. Worldly dharma entangles you in afflictions, making you go round the wheel of samsara endlessly. Practicing worldly dharma entraps one further in the cycle of rebirth. On the other hand, liberating Dharma is for ending afflictions and being freed from samsara.

The two are in direct opposition. The former leads to more afflictions, while the latter leads to an end of afflictions. Therefore, combining worldly dharma and liberating dharma results in conflict and confusion. Many people can’t distinguish between the two and mistakenly believe that both can be accomplished harmoniously.