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Sunday, July 14, 2024

Remembering the Guru is the most important thing

Told by a disciple of Phurpa Tashi Rinpoche:

Phurpa Tashi Rinpoche once shared a story: There was an ordinary monk who had been at Yarchen Monastery for a year or two. Due to illness, he went to Kangding for treatment. Later, feeling that he couldn’t be cured, he asked his family to take him back to Yarchen. He passed away on the way back to Yarchen. After arriving at Yarchen, his family asked Rinpoche to perform the Powa ritual to transfer his consciousness.

After observing through his meditative equipoise, Rinpoche said that because this monk had been recalling his Guru in his heart when he died, his mind remained in a state of thugdam (post-death meditative equipoise). By right, this monk had the ability to go to the pureland on his own, but because his corpse was touched by someone who had broken samayas/vows, he was polluted by that negative energy and couldn’t go to the pureland by himself.

However, as his mind remained in a state of meditative equipoise, through Rinpoche’s blessings and guidance, he eventually went to a pureland.

This monk’s older brother, who was a Khenpo (professor of Dharma), also passed away not long after. Similarly, the family requested Rinpoche to perform the Powa ritual. After observing through his meditation, Rinpoche found that Khenpo’s mind was very chaotic and unable to think of the Guru. Rinpoche said that if no pujas and prayers were dedicated for this Khenpo, he would fall into the lower realms.

When Rinpoche told this story, he was visibly moved and said: “Remembering the Lama is really the most, most important thing!”


About Phurpa Tashi Rinpoche

Lama Achuk Rinpoche said, “ Phurpa Tashi Rinpoche is the emanation of one of the 25 disciples of Guru Rinpoche, the one who is no different from Guru Rinpoche himself, Yudra Nyingpo… at present, Phurpa Tashi Rinpoche possesses all the qualities of Yudra Nyingpo in his body, speech and mind without exception.

“Phurpa Tashi Rinpoche and his predecessor Namgyal Tulku are not only my recognition, it was stated in Guru Rinpoche’s prophecy. I am the rebirth of Guru Rinpoche’s emanation Longsal Nyingpo. As proof of this, Amitabha Buddha appears above my crown among other signs. Phurpa Tashi Rinpoche and Ah Song Tulku Rinpoche are my emanations. Anyone who makes a connection with Phurpa Tashi Rinpoche is making a connection with me. I hereby bestow him the name, Jigme Kunzang Namgyal.”

Within a year of relying upon Lama Rinpoche, Phurpa Tashi Rinpoche attained the realization of seeing the peaceful deities in a state of luminosity—the level of semblance luminosity (clear light) on the path of preparation (among the five paths).

The next year, Rinpoche saw the yabyum forms of deities in his state of luminosity. Duality of subject and object dissolved completely into the Dharmadhatu of self-nature. Rinpoche realized the ineffable state of actual luminosity (clear light), entering the ranks of the Arya beings.

Later, Rinpoche was selected by Lama Rinpoche to enter the three-year retreat. Through his diligent practice day and night without flagging, his experience progressed swiftly and he completely perfected all four visions of Dzogchen Thogal.

In his hometown, Rinpoche entered further retreat practicing dream luminosity and purified the most subtlest of obscurations or ignorance. He attained the highest level of non-meditation where the distinction between meditation and non-meditation has fallen apart, day and night became equal for him, in other words, the attainment of Buddhahood.

His Guru, Lama Achuk Rinpoche, praised him highly, “Even among the great masters in India, few has reached your level of realization. Only HH Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche of Serthar Monastic Institute can dispel all misconceptions about (your attainment).” Lama Rinpoche further said to the head manager of Yarchen Monastery, “Phurpa Tashi Rinpoche’s realization and qualities are no different from those of the 84 Mahasiddhas of India.”

Later on, when Lama Rinpoche led Phurpa Tashi Rinpoche to meet HH Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche to receive HH’s confirmation, Phurpa Tashi Rinpoche offered his realization to HH who said, “This is the level that only the Tathagatas possess.” And so it was that Phurpa Tashi Rinpoche and Ah Song Tulku Rinpoche became the youngest qualified Dzogchen teachers that the lineage history has ever seen.