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Friday, February 28, 2025

Don't judge others with Dharmic concepts

Lord Buddha

Mañjuśrī, when childish ordinary beings practice generosity, they do it with disrespect toward miserly sentient beings. Due to their disrespect, those who practice giving get angry and give rise to the fault of resentfulness. The faults of anger and resentfulness plunge them into the hell realms.

When childish ordinary beings observe moral conduct they speak ill of those neglecting moral conduct, disparaging and treating them contemptuously. When these disparaging remarks are repeated to others it causes disrespect in many ordinary beings, who will go to the lower realms due to their disrespect.

When they practice patience, they declare, ‘We have patience, while those others bear harmful thoughts.’ Intoxicated with the arrogance of patience, they create all the suffering that results from fundamental heedlessness.

When they exert themselves in diligence, they extol themselves and think, ‘Those other monks are lazy and lack diligence, yet they enjoy the offerings of the faithful. They are not worthy of even enjoying water from a water container.’ As they exert themselves in diligence, they praise themselves and disparage others. I say that they are childish beings.

When they spend their time in the equilibrium of meditation, they give rise to attachment to the joyful bliss of meditation and think, ‘We spend our time in equipoise. Those other monks spend their time in mental distraction. They spend their time enjoying frivolous entertainments. As they enjoy frivolous entertainments, how will they ever become buddhas? They are far from the enlightenment of a buddha.’ Those who take attitudes like these, as long as they think such contemptuous thoughts, will cling tightly to saṃsāra for eons. Later, if they engage in enlightenment, even if they have great learning, they will imagine that, among all letterless phenomena, the mind is existent.

When they observe transcendent awareness they disdain others. I say that they have no knowledge, I say that they talk even though they do not know; I say that they are not sublime beings; I say that as they conceptualize, they are corrupted.

If they enter the Mahāyāna, again they will think, ‘We are foremost in this world, we are the best in this world, we are supreme in this world.’ When they see followers of the Hearers’ Vehicle they give rise to disrespect, disparage them, denigrate them, and speak ill of them. Due to these evil thoughts and condemnations they will be reborn in the lower realms.

(The Noble Mahāyāna Sūtra Purification of Karmic Obscurations)